
Leading Under Pressure

While parenting will never be easy, there are steps we can take to become better at it when the pressure is on. Being aware that your reactions to your children are impacted by the pressures you are facing at work is an important first step. With a little help and a little grace, we will all navigate the wonderful parenting gauntlet just a little bit better.

The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga helps men build relationships because physical activity and quality time translate to feelings of trust, safety, and wellness. CEOs report that these skills translate to an increased ability to focus and to retain and use new information.

Meditating with Kids!

From managing stress to making you a more rational decision maker, meditation will make your house and office more peaceful environments where those in your care can flourish. 


Feeling like an impostor in your role as a father is more common than you might think. Impostor syndrome, characterized by a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud" despite evident success, can significantly impact your perception of your parenting skills. Understanding this phenomenon and addressing it can help you recognize your value and become the best dad you can be.

6 ways to beat depression!

Depression statistics are grim. One in ten adults will struggle with depression sometime in their life. And for CEOs, the number is roughly double that of the average American population. One reason depression is so hard is that we try to go at it alone. We list 6 Things You Can Do to help fight off depression in your life.